Monday, 18 November 2013

A different type of adventure...

Today I had the opportunity and privilege to be a small part of the Red Frogs team. Backtracking a little, yesterday I spent the day, preparing, baking and packing a bunch of goodies to take down to Byron, in the attempt to 'fuel' the team of young volunteers, who have selflessly given up a week of their time, and their incomes, in order to serve others.
As I left Home early sunday morning, I was blessed with a beautiful sunrise, and continually blessed as I enjoyed the stunning countryside between Brisbane and Byron Bay. Just me and some tunes,
awesome way to start the day, right there. I also spent some time chatting to God, thanking Him for this opportunity I was able to take, despite a few rearrangements I needed to make to be able to get a few days free in a row.
And asking Him to guide every 'word and action' that we as a team would make over the next week.
Blessings to keep us safe, and a compassion for those around us, as a team and as His hands and feet.
Once in Byron i met up with Simon and Ali. All the logistics of the day set into place, I shopped, prepared lunches for 25, and headed down to "the hub"...on the beach. 
I met the crew, and we all ate and got to know each other.
A bit later in the day, we all meet up again and our team of 25 squeezed into one room and shared worship together.  A few of the team prayed and I felt the Love and passion in these kids. I felt so super blessed to be in that room, a part of something so real and giving. Eyes closed and hands went up in prayer and praise.
This is the reward of belonging to the family of God.
Then after a quick dinner, we headed to the Red Frogs Tent...on the beach.
This is where it got real, got crazy and got Loud...but fun.
Slowly the crowd gathered as the music started and the smell of hot pancakes wafted through the air.
Young people and old, from all over the globe, seemed to be in Byron. Some for schoolies, some just passing through. The opportunities to share and love on people were endless.
Some just wanted free food, some needed a chat, some had other questions. We made connections and hopefully friends, and an impact.
Just after midnight the music stopped, the crowd dissipated and the frogs went in different directions, seeing if anyone needed to be walked home, or helped in any way.
It was so much fun being a part of such a vibrant team of young people on fire for what they believe in..LOVING PEOPLE!!!!
Today was Definitely a "good day"....

Sunday, 6 October 2013

Totally Blessed !!! longer am I in Hoi An, the ancient town, tucked away in the middle of Vietnam. Waking to smells and sounds of the magical place we called home for four precious months. Living a very simple existence. Filling my days with sunshine, friends, co workers who had come here with the same purpose as us. The hope of making a difference. Food glorious food. Magical bicycle rides through the most stunning rice fields, villages, fish markets, neighbourhoods, still filled with as much awe and wonderment as when I first arrived. A huge part of me cannot let go of all the magic I felt while I served others in such a beautiful part of Gods world. 
Yes it was Hot, extremely hot, and yes there were some long days. And yes there were times when we wondered if we were actually making a difference at all. These precious people have so little, and need so much, and we were just a small small part  in the grand scheme of things.
And now I'm back..and no matter how I try, my words just don't seem to be coming out right, in the attempt to share all of our stories and feelings with others back home.
It's only in the journey and the 'being' that one can truly appreciate what you went through. And my task now is to take what I've experienced and what I hope I've learnt, and use it as a new skill, and move forward in my journey in the most positive way possible.
And while I attempt to emerge myself back into a society that is so far removed from the one I've just left, I am faced with even more new experiences. New chapters in our lives are unfolding. FAST!!!
Not only did I come home to one beautiful daughter filled with the excitement of an engagement, and all the wedding plans that follow, BUT............
Within two weeks of being home, we seem to have attracted TWO Amazing young men, that want to become part of our family.
Really, I don't know why I'm surprised.......who wouldn't want to be a Cresswell.....we are a pretty AWEsome bunch....
All jokes aside.....I feel like the 'most' blessed person right now....
Not only have we 'officially' gained two sons..... We have linked ourselves with two of the most Amazing, God filled families, we could have  ever, prayed for.
Mandy and Greg. THANKYOU so much for loving Lauren over the past three years. She has found a home and family at your place that is all and more than I could have prayed for for my beautiful big girl. Elise and Nathan and Tom, have all made her feel so welcomed. You are truly Gods precious people. There is not one member of your immediate or extended family that has not made Lauren feel completely welcome and adored in your family circle.
And now we find ourselves doubly Blessed, with Ali, about to become a part of the Bell family, whom, from the moment we met you all, felt a warmth that only comes from having Gods love in all your hearts.
Rick, Maria, Lauren, Tim and Mikey and Jess, You ALL are truly Gods angels walking on earth. THANKYOU for accepting Ali into your world, your family, and your hearts.
I am SO overwhelmed with Gods BLESSINGS right now.
TRISTAN WE LOVE YOU TO BITS... And have from the moment we met you.
You will be the perfect partner for Lauren, And we are so excited to watch you grow and plan together....please know that we are always' here for you, no matter what the question. Nothing is insignificant, everything is do-able, and You two are 'always' worth it. No matter, what it is.
And are a Treasure.. You have turned Ali's world upside down, and inside out, she adores you...and so do we.
We are so excited to watch you two grow together, following Gods lead, and see what AMAZING Adventures He has in store for you, as you walk through this life 'together' bringing love to a world that so desperately needs it.
He is going to BLESS you abundantly.....and surrounded by your amazing brothers and sisters in His house.....
It's all just so exciting...
RICK and MARIA...we thought we were truly blessed to have found friends like you guys, only to find God has multiplied our Blessings by making us 'family' ....
We are So excited and filled with Blessings.....
Oh yes He is....

SO BLESSED...........

Thursday, 12 September 2013


In the last 36 hours I've visited the dentist and an eye specialist...I hate going to the dentist, even back home. Always have..partly because it hurts and partly because it costs a freaking fortune.
So yesterday straight after a street breaky of fried opla (eggs) and banh mi (small baguette). I decided to be brave enough to visit the local dental clinic. I did however, ask my friend Susie to come with me. Not only into the reception in case it took two of us to explain what it was I wanted done. But I also asked her to follow me up stairs and sit with me while I had my procedure done.
Not like it was a tooth pulled or a root canal..
Just a chipped tooth getting capped...
Still..if you're scared of the dentist, you're scared of the dentist.!!
So without an appointment, and without asking how much it was going to cost, I found myself sitting under the bright light of the dentist chair...
This time I was nervous of him not understanding what I wanted. But the whole procedure seemed to be exactly like the last time I chipped my tooth in Brisbane, and needed to get it capped.
So I sat back and tried to relax.
Around 20 mins later, I was back down at reception paying the exorbitant price of 200,000 vnd...roughly $10.00.. 
Then later that day, while I was swimming in a public pool, I decided to get in some cardio, and started doing laps. I'm not very good at steering under water, so I generally wear goggles, or open my eyes in the water..
Well this water must have had a bucket load of chlorine in it, because within seconds of opening my eyes, they were stinging like crazy. My right eye in particular. About a week ago, while I was riding my bike flat chat home from an evening out. A bug flew into my eye, and hurt like heck. It took about a day for it to settle down. Using drops and saline solution. So I'm wondering if the old wound hadn't quite healed and set the eye off again. Closing my eye killed with pain. But it was fine if I pulled my eyelid away from my eye, so I figured there was either something stuck in there, or a mighty big scratch under the eye lid.
Either way, it was so painful it was hard to breathe.
This morning I woke up hoping it'd be better. But no.. So I started to google stuff, and then I started to panic. Then I thought, how will i ever find an eye doctor, and get him to understand me. Idea..!!!
I went and found Tan, my landlady and asked her if she knew anywhere I could go. And of course ...there's one 4 doors down the street. It's 7am..and she has her hair in rollers, as she's going to two weddings today. But she takes me down the street to what looks like a mobile phone shop..and out the back is a small room. She explains what I said to her, and leaves. And now I'm lying on a table with another "really" bright light shining in my face....
The doc does speak English, thankfully, as he said..." Your left eye" and I said " no, my right eye".. .
I'm fairly certain that the next thing he did, was to turn my whole eyelid inside out...I wouldn't say painful, but a very strange sensation..then I'm sure he ran something resembling a crocheting hook around the upper rim of my eyeball, back and forth, back and forth. Now that was too weird..
Again, not painful, but really freaky.
He poked and pulled. Put in a few solutions. One felt like acid, and I thought.."oh I went to Vietnam, and came home blind"...strange thoughts go through your head when you're nervous.
Anyway, he finally finished poking around, and asked me to sit up. 
It feels better already.
He goes to a glass cabinet and fishes out some tablets, from white bottles with no labels on them ( which all looked the same as each other)...eek... And then gets me two lots of eye drops. He then sits very close to my face and explains to me, how to take them. I repeated the instructions back to him, just to make sure we were on the same page.
He nodded.
So, "how much do I owe you"...
Must be the magic guessed it...200,000 vnd...$10.00
Where in Oz would you see an eye specialist, without an appointment, before brekky, complete with drops, antibiotics and pills...for 10 bucks..? 
I ask you ...
"Only in Vietnam"..... It's the title of my new book...
Watch out for it in all major bookstores...complete with pics..

Tuesday, 10 September 2013

Because we can.....

I am 49 years old, and today along with my 62 year old friend Monika....we spent the day "puddle surfing" on our bikes......why?..... Because we can.
Why stop having fun just because you reach a certain age..
Why stop enjoying the silly things in life just because we get older..
Why stop laughing and giggling at the simple things just because we're not kids anymore..
Why do we always have to be 'grown up' and serious..
Why not spend the day riding through puddles..
Why not make a big spray and get all wet..
Why not laugh out loud..
Why not make the most of every precious moment life offers you ..
Why not do it with the friends God has privileged you to meet along the way..
Why not pretend to be "12" ......all over again..
And enjoy it...

Friday, 30 August 2013

Sitting and waiting

At 7:30am yesterday I headed downstairs thinking I was going to meet Robbie and Al for coffee, and go through some photos together. But when I got to my bike, I noticed I had a flat tyre. No problem, two doors up the street is a bike repair guy. So I walk my bike there, and point to my flat tyre. He frowns and shakes his head. I think this means it's not just flat, but I have a puncture. So off comes the tyre, out comes the tube. The guy indicates for me to take a seat. So I grab the tiny red stool and sit down. I'm hoping it doesn't take long, as I told the others I'd be there at 7:30am...( it's only a 2 minute ride). The compressor comes out, a big tray of water and  a bunch of tools.
I figure there's no point in getting stressed, just sit back and watch. I txt Robbie and told her I'd be there soon, but getting my tyre fixed. 
The compressor is to put air in the inner tube, and then he dips the tube in the water to find the hole, bubbles come out where the hole is. He then roles the tube around a metal pipe and starts filing it, smoothing it and moulding together. Then comes the glue, then the patch. Then he beats it with another piece of pipe so it all sticks. He then puts the tube back inside the tyre and puts it back on the rim. I should've said THANKYOU, paid him and left......but....
I mentioned that my chain was loose and coming off a lot lately. Whether he understood my words or just knew by looking at the chain, he got it anyway.
So out come the spanners. And he simply adjusts the back shaft and bingo it's all nice and tight again, the slacks gone. But.....
In doing this he now notices my back wheel is all wobbly. He looks at me questioningly..
I did a charades version of me on a bike, and another bike ramming into me, and me going flying. I think he got it. 
Now he proceeds to tighten up all my spokes one by one. This takes a long time. Meanwhile I notice a tiny coffee shop up the street a bit on the other side, and I ask him if he'd like a coffee. Again, he got it, and nodded. So I take off to the coffee shop. Over there I say to the lady 'two black coffees' and point to my bike man over the rode. No problem, she makes them and I take them ( in glasses) back to the bike shop. Seems to be the norm here. I guess people get most of their glasses back eventually. 
So I sip local black coffee with an ice cube in it, as I continue to watch and wait.
Turns out my wheel has completely snapped, he shows me, and I nod. A new rim is needed.
So he phones someone, and 2 minutes later a guy rides up on a motorbike with a rim strung over his shoulder. Previously he phoned someone else, and a lady rode up, slowed down, threw him a spanner and took off. 
My bike is now in many pieces, and my coffee date is not going to happen. I can see a clock on the wall in the shop opposite. I'll be lucky to get to work on time at this rate. 9am is approaching.
To replace a rim, ALL the spokes have to be unscrewed, the whole thing comes apart, and gets reassembled. Then he puts lubricant on each section, then wipes each section, then checks each section, again and again. Talk about perfectionist. I try to call work to let them know I'll be late, only to find I'm now out of phone credit. Finally after nearly 4 mths, my $5 worth of credit I put on when I first arrived here in May, just ran out!!!
What can you do...
I continue to sit and watch.
Children are being dropped off to grandparents for the day. A bike and cart are delivering a tray of toys to the shop opposite. A man in another shop, loads himself and tall pedi stool fan on a motorbike and takes off, waving to his wife. Then a funeral procession goes by. 2 Floats, followed by a truck with the casket and people in strange costumes and makeup sitting with their legs dangling out the back. Very much resembling a movie set. Then a bus with flags hanging out the windows....all accompanied by load sounding music and drums.
If you can't go anywhere and no one's missing you, you might as well just sit back and take it all in.
Finally at 10am, my bike is back in one piece. He has also managed to tighten my brakes, and my basket. Wiped the bike down from top to bottom, and I think I'm ready to be on my way. 
Now for the scary much..
He held up some fingers, and I said, can you write it down. Turns out for two and a half hours work, and a complete overhaul.....the price in Aussie dollars...
I'd be lucky to get a new rim for that back home.
I then began to think I might find out how much it would cost to ship it home when we leave.
But later on that day, Andrew and I met for the first time, our new sponsor child. His name is Dat and he's 12 yrs old. He and his father share 1 bicycle, they have no motorbike. No mother, and are very poor. So now I have decided that when I leave, Dat will be getting my bike instead.
At least I'm pleased to know that I'm giving him a good well serviced bike that should last him a long time.
Today was a "very good" day !!!!

Wednesday, 21 August 2013

Afternoon in paradise...

I guess it's inevitable...that I should keep finding little treasures hidden in and around Hoi An.
After all, I've only been here 3 months....
This afternoon I found a cute little cafe called "Little Hanoi".. On the opposite side of the Thu Bon River.
I started with soda and lemon juice, which later lead to a light early dinner, of stir fried mixed veggies.
I sat there surrounded by an eclectic mix of collectables, including, book stacks, old pots, easels, tea sets, comfy furniture...not always easy to find in Vietnam. An odd collection of lamps and lanterns, candles, a bird cage and a steep winding staircase, which I'm curious about. I want to know what's at the top of the stairs....maybe next time. I've peacefully spent the afternoon sorting through my many photos, deciding which ones to print and leave here for the residents of the homeless shelter we've been visiting regularly.
Soft classical music has been playing in the background, the fan is blowing a light breeze through the cafe, and I wish I could stay here for longer. But my battery is about dead, so it's time to make my way  home. Back on my bike, I ride along the rivers edge, across the bridge, wind my way around a few small streets and I'm home. 3:30pm traffic....NOT A PROBLEM.!!!
No lights, no traffic delays, no school zones, no impatient drivers today, just slow easy riding...
There are LOTS OF THINGS I'm going to miss about this lifestyle......

Relax and enjoy every day, it's a gift. 
Mumma bear..

Friday, 16 August 2013


How is it, that you can travel the world, and find yourself in some magical place....and strike up an intense friendship with people that you haven't known for a long period of time, but due to random circumstance, you find you have so much in common. It's not about how long you've known people, it's about how you connect. 20 yrs or 20 minutes.
Passion, experience and journeying through life, can afford you the most beautiful new friends, that happen to be travelling along the same parallel as you in the time line of life.
Such moments are to be treasured as wonderful gifts from above, as you meet and connect with wonderful individuals along your path...
Every moment is a treasure, no matter how long it lasts.....something money can not buy and memories that are cemented in our mind as 'highlights' along the journey of life.....
For ALL the people I have met through ALL my wonderful adventures and travels....
Whether we meet again or our paths go in different have been a part of 
MY story and you are precious to me...
The people we meet and our adventures, help shape who we are and who we become....take only the " good" and let go of the negative........
Grow and become the best possible 'you' you can be......

Look around EVERY corner .....

Wednesday, 14 August 2013

Feeling the love...

I spent ages this morning writing today's blog...only to be distracted and NOT save the draft....hence it's gone....
So short version......
Yesterday I fell off my bike...yes again.
But my lovely friend Monika, who had just fallen off her bike only a few days before, lovingly wiped my legs and feet as I tried to clean myself up.
Two lovely guys from the beach bar, saw me bleeding and brought ice and some solution and cotton wool and also cleaned me up.
Then a bit later at lunch, another friend who just happened to be at this cafe, heard my story and pulled out some band aids, and patched me up.
Later that evening on my way downstairs to the pharmacy, grandma, who was sitting in the kitchen eating a banana on her own, invites me to join her, I also got half a bread roll and a glass of warm water.
Then just before going to bed, Susie sends up some bigger bandages and tape.
Today I really was FEELING THE LOVE....
Thanks everyone.....
That's what makes the world go round......LOVE IN ACTION
Mumma bear....
The recovery ward...

Monday, 12 August 2013

Getting slack

When I started blogging I enjoyed I just don't seem to have the time or the energy. Maybe I've just made so many lovely friends, that I'd rather live life, than write about it.
We've eaten in so many nice cafes, restaurants, beach bars, obscure coffee huts in the middle of rice fields....
Met so many lovely people, from all over the world.
Discovered so many pretty bike trails....full of one stunning scene after another..
Had so many fun nights out at the beach, as the sun sets and the music picks up...
Shared pizzas, bottles of wine, stories, adventures...
Going home will really be 'interesting'....for one thing, we'll have to relearn which side of the road to ride/ drive on. Remember not to cross the intersection against the lights in front of a maxi taxi...
Assume that the traffic on the roads 'will' make you late for work, instead of just riding around it.
Be prepared to get 'ripped off' every time we buy something. Especially, takeaway or restaurant meals.
I'll have to get used to 'housework' again....yuk.
It's going to really hurt, filling up the car with petrol....cycling is FREE...
Not sure if any of my tight fitting clothes will fit me anymore, after eating well for 3.5 mths....and living in happy pants and thongs.
I may have to make appointments with friends to catchup, rather than bumping into them in town.
Going back to work will be a chore....if I go back.
Don't get me wrong. It's been a very 9-5 or 9-9 work week here as well. But somehow it doesn't seem so pointless when you're doing it for people less fortunate that yourself. It gives your work week a purpose.
Anyway....there are also many things I'm dying to go back to.....namely my KIDS...
all the beautiful young faces from church that seem to make their way into my house and make it a home.....can't wait for that......
Church....loud worship...with passion....friends...hugs....and milk without added sugar.!!
Think I'm done now....mumma 

Wednesday, 31 July 2013

Today's reflections...

Today is Aug 1...and I can count down the days til I leave this beautiful country. With all it's gorgeous people, delicious food, awesome scenery, (and crazy drivers)..mixed emotions, as I'm really hanging out to be with my family again. Lauren and Tristan, Ali and Simon. I miss all the fun that unfolds around the kitchen in the centre of our home. I also know that part of going to new places and making new friends, also means saying "goodbye" as well.... Already the ladies in the workshop are saying they don't want us to leave, and that they'll be sad when we go....we have a lot of fun in there some days. Its a lovely work environment. Sometimes too much actually, that's not possible. If our being silly can put a smile on the faces of these less fortunate yet beautiful people, then it's all been worth it..
I can still remember, like yesterday..being in my kitchen back home...and thinking.." Could I, should it.." Give up my job, my family (albeit temporarily). The security of everything you know and take for granted.
And yet here we are, loving it...
we've made so many lovely friends, thru Lifestart and through other avenues. The house we're renting in, has over the past 2 months filled up with other tenants, all of which are lovely. Miss Susie, has fast become a close friend. Along  with other ladies sharing houses with other volunteers around town. We seem to be a collection of random individuals who gather for coffees, lunches, drinks, early morning bike rides etc..
All of which I'm going to miss terribly when we're back home.
Random acts of kindness by people who don't speak the same language as we do. Like, the very pregnant lady who works in the furniture store downstairs, who came over and fixed my bike for me, when the chain fell off. And the older lady at the post office, who cleaned my hands of bike grease when I arrived there the other day to post a letter back home.
Tan our landlady, who just grabs you without warning, and sits you down at the family table, and starts feeding you....and feeding you, and feeding you !!
Nice things happen back home too, and I have many nice friends in Australia, yet somehow within a very short space of time, you are made to feel so welcome In a foreign country. Where everyone immediately knows. 'You're not from here'...
and yet it doesn't seem to matter.
I popped into a small hardware store on the way to the shelter this week, Andrew asked me to find some washers, so he could anchor something to a wall. Well I selected 3 washers, after much sifting through piles of nails, screws, washers etc...I pulled out 10000 vnd (50c) and offered it to the man behind the counter.....he took a 1000 vnd note from me, nodded and smiled. 
Going many ways, is going to be so hard..
No more 15c beers
No more $1.70 veggie curry
No more free peddle power, not petrol
No more 2 minute bike ride to work
No more phoning a friend for impromptu coffees (without planning in advance)
No more riding past the local, and waving to friends
No more 'long nails' back to housework
No more rides through the rice fields, or along the river, 
Ferry rides, adventures of getting totally lost, yet still having fun
No more $1 bus rides into Big city (Danang)
No more 75c Iced coffees (Saigon style)
Etc etc etc
not to mention ALL the lovely faces we will miss !!

Mumma bear...wherever you find yourself today, be thankful and for goodness sake

Wednesday, 24 July 2013

A picture says a thousand words...

Today's blog is all in the pictures..enjoy
Celebrating Miss Nhungs'' birthday
Not just colleagues..but friends.
Not sure if Andrew's saying " tam biet" (goodbye).. Or if he's directing traffic...
Our hard working ladies and gents..
Laughter is also good 'therapy'.... Lisa, Sally and Sang, Phung, me & Andrew with our rehab girls
Lots of productivity going on here at the workshop
Another birthday celebration.. Thanks Thuy for delicious lunch and cake ..
(If its your birthday...You supply the party)..

Moments I will never forget
Mumma bear..sending more hugs

Monday, 22 July 2013

Putting 2 & 2 together

This morning as I was thinking about breakfast, I thought, "no, I don't think I want peanut butter on toast, again" even though I've only just discovered whole meal bread and have had it a whole 'three' mornings in a row.
Wow, how quickly the novelty of some things wear off. 
When I first arrived in Vietnam, and in my early conversations with Karen, she told me that what these people here were longing for was 'independence'. Meaning, being able to 'choose' what they have to eat, rather than being handed a bowl of 'extra' or 'leftover' food by relatives. Even though that's a kind gesture, and way better than starving. Independence means being able to choose what they eat each day. Albeit..the choice is still something like..Rice and Fish or Rice and quail egg, or rice and tofu, or occassionally noodles and fish, noodles and egg, noodles and tofu.....
If I want something different to eat, all I have to do is pop into the mini mart next door, and make my selection. Paying for it is not a problem. Preparing it is not a hassle.
If I get bored with things, it's by my own choice. I have money, health and mobility to make my life as interesting and as comfortable as I like....
Food for time I have a little whinge!!!

( I do however have the flu right now, which is possibly why all food, does not seem very appealing)...I'm mainly eating so i can take some drugs...but I'll live!!!
 Chicken soup and hugs....mumma bear

Saturday, 20 July 2013

A day in town

I know this is going to sound really crazy...but today, just to break the usual weekend tradition of heading to the gorgeous beaches, or cycling through the peaceful rice fields, or relaxing down by the river, with yummy Saigon coffee and amazing views.....
Sally Andrew and I decided to go on a small adventure.
We took the local bus into Danang.....And headed for the giant supermarket. .."Big C"..
After 2 months of buying our supplies in tiny corner stores no bigger than most bathrooms, we decided it was time to go 'shopping' ..retail therapy!!!
We cycled to the bus stop, parked our bikes, and boarded a rickety old bus, along with many other locals. We were the only people on the bus, who weren't born in this country for sure. 
A nice, albeit bumpy ride into town, along a road, which is clearly under construction, as we seemed to weave around, over, and into many pot holes.
The road got very narrow in places and it seems like the shops and houses on either side were very close to the road. Children still playing and running around, super close to the passing buses and various other swarms of traffic, weaving along the same road in both directions.
Danang is a rather large city, and it was guess work to decide where exactly to get off the bus. After quite a number of roundabouts and bridge crossings, we thought, .
"Yep, here will do" .....and we exited the bus.
We wandered though the streets for a while hoping we were heading in the general direction, with the help of a small map. All part of the adventure. Enjoying all the different shops and sights.
We found the home of Vespas.......I'm not usually a car or motorbike person at all, but I must say, this store had me very many shiny Vespas in so many different colours.....
"If only...."
Finally, we saw it in the distance..central plaza....we made it...
As we walked up the steps into the giant mall, we discovered...."Airconditioning", "Highlands Coffee" and "comfy couches"..... BINGO, WE'VE HIT THE TRIFECTA.....
I'm spending the day here..
After indulging in a Caramel cream latte, ( which cost twice what my chicken baguette cost).. But gave me twice the pleasure in consuming it..I was pleasantly 'full'.
Lets go shopping..
A few little shops around the mall, with the usual, mobile phone stalls, perfume stands etc, but up the escalators, was the Big C supermarket. Where, oddly enough, Sally and I managed to while away hours just wandering through the many aisles.
Unfortunately, we did manage to lose Andrew somehow. But no matter, after we shopped, we found him out in the mall, and took him 'back' inside the supermarket, and did it all over again.
At the end of the day, it cost us, 20,000 vnd, each way on the bus, ($1.00). And we spent only a small amount of money on general groceries, and a few toiletry items and gifts. All in all a fun and cheap day out.
(Oh and I may have emptied out the stationary department of "cute handmade" cards.)
Extremely pleased with our purchases we headed back on the bus to Hoi An....and then decided to treat ourselves to the yummiest "Indian" dinner in Ganesh....where we shared a table with a lovely family from New Zealand, and shared our stories of what it is we are all doing here in this wonderful part of the world. 
I expect to see them in our shop over the next few days, they want to come take a look at our products...yay!!!
All in All....a SUPER DAY OUT !!!
Keep huggin' mumma bear

Sunday, 14 July 2013

Bitter, Sweet !!!

9 days just went way too fast. And now they're on their way home again. Sad to say 'goodbye', but I know they're keen to go home to their boys....I hope Tristan and Simon realise how lucky they are..
I'm not biased, but my girls are 'awesome'
We managed to squeeze so many fun things into this last week.
- Motorbiking the Hai Van Pass with friends
-Motorbiking to Ba Na Hills and riding the giant cable car up through the clouds to fantasyland.
-Eating in so many different cafes and restaurants.
- Being invited to a traditional family dinner in honour of an ancestor. NO IDEA WHAT WE WERE EATING.....Eek...lots of beers and hugs tho'
-Cycling through rice fields, and fishing villages. ( including getting lost...And 'sunburnt'.)
- Hitting the markets and haggling over's the principle...and some times fun..
-Swimming in the China Sea.
- Snorkelling around the Cham Islands....seeing sea snakes, coral, and many fishies, including "NEMO"
-Making and meeting up with friends..of all ages, but all fun !!
-Sitting in palapas at the beach with friends, eating pizza and salads, and sharing wine and good times. Watching the sunset over the water and hills.
-Cycling home in the cooler evening air after work, stopping off for supper or drinks together.
All in all, a simply splendid nine days....
Much hugging as we parted at the airport....."til August"...
Life is made so much better when shared with those we LOVE

Thursday, 11 July 2013

Taking a 'mental' picture....

What a super early bike ride through the rice fields accompanied by my beautiful girls. A quick stop at the local markets to buy bananas, then another quick stop, to drop them into a ladies house, ( a story for another day). Then I head off to work as the girls head off for their "cooking class"... I hope Vu can turn them into master chefs in 3 hours.....
We get a call at 12:30pm...."come check out our food".... So we ride around to 'Tam Tam Cafe' where the cooking is all happening!!
Mmmmmm Mmmmmm...yummo....
Hope they can remember and be bothered to cook like this when we get home.
So Andrew and I sit down to eNjoy what the girls have prepared. After this we are on a lunch break, so the girls and I stick around the old town and do some shopping...pretty sure they said they were looking for something for their boys..( Simon and Tristan)... But, hey.. They ended up with lots of clothes...."for themselves"......well there's always tomorrow!!
The sun's pretty intense so we head back to their hotel for a swim. And then around to '43' for a quick bite, then off to work for me and Andrew, while the girls go off in search of more bargains.
Maybe the boys will get something out of this session!!

The evening at the workshop was pleasant with a couple of students staying in our apartment block, coming to chat with us to, better their English skills, t
Lauren and Ali popping past, and everyone ended up sitting outside the workshop for a while chatting and laughing....So nice !!
Good day for sales, in fact good week, and so many lovely customers came through our shop....
After work we met the girls at a cafe on the river for supper. 
Beautiful lanterns and atmosphere....wonderful way to end a day....on the bike ride back to dropping the girls at their hotel, I was riding behind the others, and I just enjoyed a "mental picture" moment of the four of us riding though the streets of this gorgeous town, and thought I hope I will remember this image and this wonderful evening for a long time to come.
So So my family beyond comprehension.....not enough words to describe how lucky I feel.
Big hugs all around as we said goodnight in their room....
Mumma bear, feeling very content.

Moving too fast...

They say.."time flies when you're having fun".. Well this week seems to be going way too fast. Because this is the only week the girls are here with us during our three months in Vietnam. And up until now, I was looking forward to having them here, now it's going so fast..I won't want to say goodbye.
We seem to be packing so many little moments into each day. Getting up early, having coffee, and riding round to the girls hotel, and sitting with them by the pool, as they eat their buffet breaky.
A lovely way to start the day. Then Andrew and I head off to work, leaving Lauren and Ali to swim, or go shopping for a few hours. Then we meet up again at lunch time and decide which of the many funky little places to sit and eat lunch.
Lauren's not a massive fan of Vietnamese food, so we try to mix it up a bit, you can pretty much find anything here, if you know where to look. Yesterday, we lunched at 'Dingo Deli'. Where Lauren could enjoy nachos. Ali and I had enormous salads, and Andrew had a chicken Caesar burger and hand cut chips. All very yum..and it's the only place in town that has air con......even better !!!
A guy walked in and sat near us, and we all stared at him, as he was the image of my brother Matt. We even took a pic...sssshhhh .
There are many many restaurants and cafes in Hoi An. In fact you could live here a year, and you wouldn't make it to all of them.
However, we seem to have made our way to "43" three nights in a row......what the.....
Kids, friendly, delicious, local.....simple!!!
And we are still continuing to meet and make new friends daily. Last night I was trying to take a pic of my family at the table which (we have strangely seemed to eat at for the last 3 nights), and I stood back to get the whole cafe in, accidentally capturing some other people at another table in my photo.  I said " hope you don't mind being in my photo" and the next thing, I'm spending the next 5 minutes explaining what we're here for, as I was wearing my 'Lifesatart' shirt. The people also had eaten at 43 previously that week, and had noticed us before. So we chatted, and it turns out they know some of the people
we've gotten to know here. We swapped names and stories we have four more faces to keep an eye out for....Crazy!!!!
I also managed to make time to take the girls for "snowcones"..... Thinking of you Karen !! Haha
Life is full of people to many people !!!!
There are no such thing as 'strangers'.....there are just 'friends' you haven't met yet !!!
Hugs...and blessings , mumma bear x

Monday, 8 July 2013

Sorry, life got busy !!!

Ok ok, I know it's been a few days...but life got busy.
So where to begin? The latest episode in our Hoi An adventure is having the girls arrive. It's only been 6 weeks since I've seen them, but that's a long time when you're the mumma bear.
Many hugs and much catchup chatter at the airport and in the car on the way back from Da nang. 
And the girls, who have been eagerly awaiting the summer weather, have quickly realised, that sweating from the back of your neck, down your back and all the way to your ankles, is not really a good feeling.
Also it quickly zaps all your energy. There maybe a little sleep deprivation in there as well. As no one sleeps well on an they?
Friday is spent orienting and introducing the girls to Hoi An town and its people.
Meeting all the makers at the workshop..having everyone look at Ali, and then me, and go...."same same"... I'm happy with that..not sure if Ali feels the same way.
And in the evening we arranged to meet with friends at Ganesh, a great Indian restaurant. Here the girls meet, Sally our O/T. Lisa our acupuncturist/ masseuse (why didn't spell check fix that, that looks wrong).. Lisa's partner Barney. Susie, our neighbour who rents a room in the same house as us, and comes to Vietnam to teach children English. Monika, who rents a room in the same house as Sally. Monika runs tours throughout Asia.
 Together we are a collective bunch of crazy people in search of adventure and helping others along the way.
On Saturday we head off on rented motorbikes, with two other friends, Lan, who volunteers at Lifestart with us, and her partner Chris. Also LANs sister and twin 11yr old nieces. 
So there's 9 of us, on 4 the math!!!
Lan drives with me on the back, til ...surprise surprise, one of the twins wants to join us. So now I'm on the 'back' back !!
A little freaky at first, but by the end of the weekend, I'm doing the same as the locals. Not hanging on, yawning, stretching, just generally, rolling with it. 
Chris had Lauren on his bike. Hang, Lan's sister had one twin, til she too, decided, she wanted to swap, and ended up between Chris and Lauren, so now Lauren's on the 'back' back too..and to top it off both girls slept on the way home, one not feeling well, so they were both dead weights, and we had to hold them upright as well as keeping ourselves and them 'on' the bikes.
Gone from 'novices' to 'experts' in one weekend !!
A little secret....I did request 'a lot' of angels to accompany us all the way....Thank you Lord !!
Our journeys took us over the Hai Van Pass...a spectacular ride over an amazing mountain range high above Da nang.
With a side trip on our way back to the giant statue on the beach. Can't think of her name...
A swim in the china sea...lots of splashing and fun.
Sunday we joined up again, and headed off to Ba Na Hills. About 1.5 hr ride, through Da nang again ( that's the trickiest bit, busy city traffic, lots of round abouts, where anything goes).
At Ba Na Hills there's a cable car that takes you 1.5 kms straight up, and amazingly when you get to the top, there's a full size castle up there that looks like something out of Disneyland. Complete with 
Rides, buffet restaurants, giant Buddhas, toboggan rides, and a 3 level amusement hall.
So we ate, did rides, looked around at all the attractions....and then there was a rock climbing wall...
The  "tallest in Vietnam".. Apparently. 
And at the top, is a string of soft toys, and if you can climb to the top, you can try to reach a soft toy and keep it. 
Challenge ACCEPTeD....Says Ali......lets not worry about the fact that we're recovering from Ankle surgery..
But the catch can only pick one color of footholds to use on the climb. So we all stand there for a few minutes trying to work out which color she should pick. BLUE it is.
And off she goes, she is more determined because the guys had been a little bit rude to her when she asked about the rules, they all laughed and sniggered to each it's now more about pride than the toy !!
She must be part mountain goat or monkey, coz she literally walked up that wall. And those guys just stared, and so did the growing crowd that quickly gathered at the bottom, staring up at this girl moving quickly and skillfully up towards the top....
 Mind you, she had to yank hard to get the toy off the string.....but she wanted it, so it came.
Very quickly the guy belaying at the bottom, released the rope and let her down way too fast, stopping just before she hit the ground.
I don't think many people take home the prize !!!
But she smiled and said...I just wanted to stick it to the man !!
I didn't mention the last bike. That was Andrew, with Ali on the back. And he did a super job keeping up with Lan the lead foot. All those hairy round abouts, people going every which way at once.
It is highly likely that we will hire bikes on future occasions, and do a bit more exploring before we leave this country.....
Again, we all made it home in one piece, although I may only be 4 foot 11 inches now, instead of my previous 5"2. I think my spines compacted from all the bumps!!!
Well that's more like a chapter, than a night night 
Mumma bear xx
Hugs all