Monday 12 August 2013

Getting slack

When I started blogging I enjoyed I just don't seem to have the time or the energy. Maybe I've just made so many lovely friends, that I'd rather live life, than write about it.
We've eaten in so many nice cafes, restaurants, beach bars, obscure coffee huts in the middle of rice fields....
Met so many lovely people, from all over the world.
Discovered so many pretty bike trails....full of one stunning scene after another..
Had so many fun nights out at the beach, as the sun sets and the music picks up...
Shared pizzas, bottles of wine, stories, adventures...
Going home will really be 'interesting'....for one thing, we'll have to relearn which side of the road to ride/ drive on. Remember not to cross the intersection against the lights in front of a maxi taxi...
Assume that the traffic on the roads 'will' make you late for work, instead of just riding around it.
Be prepared to get 'ripped off' every time we buy something. Especially, takeaway or restaurant meals.
I'll have to get used to 'housework' again....yuk.
It's going to really hurt, filling up the car with petrol....cycling is FREE...
Not sure if any of my tight fitting clothes will fit me anymore, after eating well for 3.5 mths....and living in happy pants and thongs.
I may have to make appointments with friends to catchup, rather than bumping into them in town.
Going back to work will be a chore....if I go back.
Don't get me wrong. It's been a very 9-5 or 9-9 work week here as well. But somehow it doesn't seem so pointless when you're doing it for people less fortunate that yourself. It gives your work week a purpose.
Anyway....there are also many things I'm dying to go back to.....namely my KIDS...
all the beautiful young faces from church that seem to make their way into my house and make it a home.....can't wait for that......
Church....loud worship...with passion....friends...hugs....and milk without added sugar.!!
Think I'm done now....mumma 

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