Friday 16 August 2013


How is it, that you can travel the world, and find yourself in some magical place....and strike up an intense friendship with people that you haven't known for a long period of time, but due to random circumstance, you find you have so much in common. It's not about how long you've known people, it's about how you connect. 20 yrs or 20 minutes.
Passion, experience and journeying through life, can afford you the most beautiful new friends, that happen to be travelling along the same parallel as you in the time line of life.
Such moments are to be treasured as wonderful gifts from above, as you meet and connect with wonderful individuals along your path...
Every moment is a treasure, no matter how long it lasts.....something money can not buy and memories that are cemented in our mind as 'highlights' along the journey of life.....
For ALL the people I have met through ALL my wonderful adventures and travels....
Whether we meet again or our paths go in different have been a part of 
MY story and you are precious to me...
The people we meet and our adventures, help shape who we are and who we become....take only the " good" and let go of the negative........
Grow and become the best possible 'you' you can be......

Look around EVERY corner .....

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