Sunday 14 July 2013

Bitter, Sweet !!!

9 days just went way too fast. And now they're on their way home again. Sad to say 'goodbye', but I know they're keen to go home to their boys....I hope Tristan and Simon realise how lucky they are..
I'm not biased, but my girls are 'awesome'
We managed to squeeze so many fun things into this last week.
- Motorbiking the Hai Van Pass with friends
-Motorbiking to Ba Na Hills and riding the giant cable car up through the clouds to fantasyland.
-Eating in so many different cafes and restaurants.
- Being invited to a traditional family dinner in honour of an ancestor. NO IDEA WHAT WE WERE EATING.....Eek...lots of beers and hugs tho'
-Cycling through rice fields, and fishing villages. ( including getting lost...And 'sunburnt'.)
- Hitting the markets and haggling over's the principle...and some times fun..
-Swimming in the China Sea.
- Snorkelling around the Cham Islands....seeing sea snakes, coral, and many fishies, including "NEMO"
-Making and meeting up with friends..of all ages, but all fun !!
-Sitting in palapas at the beach with friends, eating pizza and salads, and sharing wine and good times. Watching the sunset over the water and hills.
-Cycling home in the cooler evening air after work, stopping off for supper or drinks together.
All in all, a simply splendid nine days....
Much hugging as we parted at the airport....."til August"...
Life is made so much better when shared with those we LOVE

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