Monday 22 July 2013

Putting 2 & 2 together

This morning as I was thinking about breakfast, I thought, "no, I don't think I want peanut butter on toast, again" even though I've only just discovered whole meal bread and have had it a whole 'three' mornings in a row.
Wow, how quickly the novelty of some things wear off. 
When I first arrived in Vietnam, and in my early conversations with Karen, she told me that what these people here were longing for was 'independence'. Meaning, being able to 'choose' what they have to eat, rather than being handed a bowl of 'extra' or 'leftover' food by relatives. Even though that's a kind gesture, and way better than starving. Independence means being able to choose what they eat each day. Albeit..the choice is still something like..Rice and Fish or Rice and quail egg, or rice and tofu, or occassionally noodles and fish, noodles and egg, noodles and tofu.....
If I want something different to eat, all I have to do is pop into the mini mart next door, and make my selection. Paying for it is not a problem. Preparing it is not a hassle.
If I get bored with things, it's by my own choice. I have money, health and mobility to make my life as interesting and as comfortable as I like....
Food for time I have a little whinge!!!

( I do however have the flu right now, which is possibly why all food, does not seem very appealing)...I'm mainly eating so i can take some drugs...but I'll live!!!
 Chicken soup and hugs....mumma bear

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