Saturday 20 July 2013

A day in town

I know this is going to sound really crazy...but today, just to break the usual weekend tradition of heading to the gorgeous beaches, or cycling through the peaceful rice fields, or relaxing down by the river, with yummy Saigon coffee and amazing views.....
Sally Andrew and I decided to go on a small adventure.
We took the local bus into Danang.....And headed for the giant supermarket. .."Big C"..
After 2 months of buying our supplies in tiny corner stores no bigger than most bathrooms, we decided it was time to go 'shopping' ..retail therapy!!!
We cycled to the bus stop, parked our bikes, and boarded a rickety old bus, along with many other locals. We were the only people on the bus, who weren't born in this country for sure. 
A nice, albeit bumpy ride into town, along a road, which is clearly under construction, as we seemed to weave around, over, and into many pot holes.
The road got very narrow in places and it seems like the shops and houses on either side were very close to the road. Children still playing and running around, super close to the passing buses and various other swarms of traffic, weaving along the same road in both directions.
Danang is a rather large city, and it was guess work to decide where exactly to get off the bus. After quite a number of roundabouts and bridge crossings, we thought, .
"Yep, here will do" .....and we exited the bus.
We wandered though the streets for a while hoping we were heading in the general direction, with the help of a small map. All part of the adventure. Enjoying all the different shops and sights.
We found the home of Vespas.......I'm not usually a car or motorbike person at all, but I must say, this store had me very many shiny Vespas in so many different colours.....
"If only...."
Finally, we saw it in the distance..central plaza....we made it...
As we walked up the steps into the giant mall, we discovered...."Airconditioning", "Highlands Coffee" and "comfy couches"..... BINGO, WE'VE HIT THE TRIFECTA.....
I'm spending the day here..
After indulging in a Caramel cream latte, ( which cost twice what my chicken baguette cost).. But gave me twice the pleasure in consuming it..I was pleasantly 'full'.
Lets go shopping..
A few little shops around the mall, with the usual, mobile phone stalls, perfume stands etc, but up the escalators, was the Big C supermarket. Where, oddly enough, Sally and I managed to while away hours just wandering through the many aisles.
Unfortunately, we did manage to lose Andrew somehow. But no matter, after we shopped, we found him out in the mall, and took him 'back' inside the supermarket, and did it all over again.
At the end of the day, it cost us, 20,000 vnd, each way on the bus, ($1.00). And we spent only a small amount of money on general groceries, and a few toiletry items and gifts. All in all a fun and cheap day out.
(Oh and I may have emptied out the stationary department of "cute handmade" cards.)
Extremely pleased with our purchases we headed back on the bus to Hoi An....and then decided to treat ourselves to the yummiest "Indian" dinner in Ganesh....where we shared a table with a lovely family from New Zealand, and shared our stories of what it is we are all doing here in this wonderful part of the world. 
I expect to see them in our shop over the next few days, they want to come take a look at our products...yay!!!
All in All....a SUPER DAY OUT !!!
Keep huggin' mumma bear

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