We seem to be packing so many little moments into each day. Getting up early, having coffee, and riding round to the girls hotel, and sitting with them by the pool, as they eat their buffet breaky.
A lovely way to start the day. Then Andrew and I head off to work, leaving Lauren and Ali to swim, or go shopping for a few hours. Then we meet up again at lunch time and decide which of the many funky little places to sit and eat lunch.
Lauren's not a massive fan of Vietnamese food, so we try to mix it up a bit, you can pretty much find anything here, if you know where to look. Yesterday, we lunched at 'Dingo Deli'. Where Lauren could enjoy nachos. Ali and I had enormous salads, and Andrew had a chicken Caesar burger and hand cut chips. All very yum..and it's the only place in town that has air con......even better !!!
A guy walked in and sat near us, and we all stared at him, as he was the image of my brother Matt. We even took a pic...sssshhhh .
There are many many restaurants and cafes in Hoi An. In fact you could live here a year, and you wouldn't make it to all of them.
However, we seem to have made our way to "43" three nights in a row......what the.....
Kids choice....cheap, friendly, delicious, local.....simple!!!
And we are still continuing to meet and make new friends daily. Last night I was trying to take a pic of my family at the table which (we have strangely seemed to eat at for the last 3 nights), and I stood back to get the whole cafe in, accidentally capturing some other people at another table in my photo. I said " hope you don't mind being in my photo" and the next thing, I'm spending the next 5 minutes explaining what we're here for, as I was wearing my 'Lifesatart' shirt. The people also had eaten at 43 previously that week, and had noticed us before. So we chatted, and it turns out they know some of the people we've gotten to know here. We swapped names and stories Etc....now we have four more faces to keep an eye out for....Crazy!!!!
I also managed to make time to take the girls for "snowcones"..... Thinking of you Karen !! Haha
Life is full of people to meet...so many people !!!!
There are no such thing as 'strangers'.....there are just 'friends' you haven't met yet !!!
Hugs...and blessings , mumma bear x
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