Monday 18 November 2013

A different type of adventure...

Today I had the opportunity and privilege to be a small part of the Red Frogs team. Backtracking a little, yesterday I spent the day, preparing, baking and packing a bunch of goodies to take down to Byron, in the attempt to 'fuel' the team of young volunteers, who have selflessly given up a week of their time, and their incomes, in order to serve others.
As I left Home early sunday morning, I was blessed with a beautiful sunrise, and continually blessed as I enjoyed the stunning countryside between Brisbane and Byron Bay. Just me and some tunes,
awesome way to start the day, right there. I also spent some time chatting to God, thanking Him for this opportunity I was able to take, despite a few rearrangements I needed to make to be able to get a few days free in a row.
And asking Him to guide every 'word and action' that we as a team would make over the next week.
Blessings to keep us safe, and a compassion for those around us, as a team and as His hands and feet.
Once in Byron i met up with Simon and Ali. All the logistics of the day set into place, I shopped, prepared lunches for 25, and headed down to "the hub"...on the beach. 
I met the crew, and we all ate and got to know each other.
A bit later in the day, we all meet up again and our team of 25 squeezed into one room and shared worship together.  A few of the team prayed and I felt the Love and passion in these kids. I felt so super blessed to be in that room, a part of something so real and giving. Eyes closed and hands went up in prayer and praise.
This is the reward of belonging to the family of God.
Then after a quick dinner, we headed to the Red Frogs Tent...on the beach.
This is where it got real, got crazy and got Loud...but fun.
Slowly the crowd gathered as the music started and the smell of hot pancakes wafted through the air.
Young people and old, from all over the globe, seemed to be in Byron. Some for schoolies, some just passing through. The opportunities to share and love on people were endless.
Some just wanted free food, some needed a chat, some had other questions. We made connections and hopefully friends, and an impact.
Just after midnight the music stopped, the crowd dissipated and the frogs went in different directions, seeing if anyone needed to be walked home, or helped in any way.
It was so much fun being a part of such a vibrant team of young people on fire for what they believe in..LOVING PEOPLE!!!!
Today was Definitely a "good day"....

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