Sunday 6 October 2013

Totally Blessed !!! longer am I in Hoi An, the ancient town, tucked away in the middle of Vietnam. Waking to smells and sounds of the magical place we called home for four precious months. Living a very simple existence. Filling my days with sunshine, friends, co workers who had come here with the same purpose as us. The hope of making a difference. Food glorious food. Magical bicycle rides through the most stunning rice fields, villages, fish markets, neighbourhoods, still filled with as much awe and wonderment as when I first arrived. A huge part of me cannot let go of all the magic I felt while I served others in such a beautiful part of Gods world. 
Yes it was Hot, extremely hot, and yes there were some long days. And yes there were times when we wondered if we were actually making a difference at all. These precious people have so little, and need so much, and we were just a small small part  in the grand scheme of things.
And now I'm back..and no matter how I try, my words just don't seem to be coming out right, in the attempt to share all of our stories and feelings with others back home.
It's only in the journey and the 'being' that one can truly appreciate what you went through. And my task now is to take what I've experienced and what I hope I've learnt, and use it as a new skill, and move forward in my journey in the most positive way possible.
And while I attempt to emerge myself back into a society that is so far removed from the one I've just left, I am faced with even more new experiences. New chapters in our lives are unfolding. FAST!!!
Not only did I come home to one beautiful daughter filled with the excitement of an engagement, and all the wedding plans that follow, BUT............
Within two weeks of being home, we seem to have attracted TWO Amazing young men, that want to become part of our family.
Really, I don't know why I'm surprised.......who wouldn't want to be a Cresswell.....we are a pretty AWEsome bunch....
All jokes aside.....I feel like the 'most' blessed person right now....
Not only have we 'officially' gained two sons..... We have linked ourselves with two of the most Amazing, God filled families, we could have  ever, prayed for.
Mandy and Greg. THANKYOU so much for loving Lauren over the past three years. She has found a home and family at your place that is all and more than I could have prayed for for my beautiful big girl. Elise and Nathan and Tom, have all made her feel so welcomed. You are truly Gods precious people. There is not one member of your immediate or extended family that has not made Lauren feel completely welcome and adored in your family circle.
And now we find ourselves doubly Blessed, with Ali, about to become a part of the Bell family, whom, from the moment we met you all, felt a warmth that only comes from having Gods love in all your hearts.
Rick, Maria, Lauren, Tim and Mikey and Jess, You ALL are truly Gods angels walking on earth. THANKYOU for accepting Ali into your world, your family, and your hearts.
I am SO overwhelmed with Gods BLESSINGS right now.
TRISTAN WE LOVE YOU TO BITS... And have from the moment we met you.
You will be the perfect partner for Lauren, And we are so excited to watch you grow and plan together....please know that we are always' here for you, no matter what the question. Nothing is insignificant, everything is do-able, and You two are 'always' worth it. No matter, what it is.
And are a Treasure.. You have turned Ali's world upside down, and inside out, she adores you...and so do we.
We are so excited to watch you two grow together, following Gods lead, and see what AMAZING Adventures He has in store for you, as you walk through this life 'together' bringing love to a world that so desperately needs it.
He is going to BLESS you abundantly.....and surrounded by your amazing brothers and sisters in His house.....
It's all just so exciting...
RICK and MARIA...we thought we were truly blessed to have found friends like you guys, only to find God has multiplied our Blessings by making us 'family' ....
We are So excited and filled with Blessings.....
Oh yes He is....

SO BLESSED...........

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