And you don't always have the answer. So you just keep plodding on, hoping you're heading in the right direction.
Today as I was sitting outside the workshop, a motorbike taxi, dropped off a young girl, probably the same age as Ali, she looked 'lost'..
So I asked if she needed help.
She said she was part of a Contiki group, but her taxi somehow got separated from the others and she ended up outside our shop. She wasn't feeling well, and had no idea, where to meet her friends. After showing her a map, and naming a few local restaurants, we worked out where she should've been. So I decided to walk with her, to the place she was looking for. When she walked into the restaurant and saw her friends, she was SO relieved, and kept saying, "if it wasn't for this lady....."
As i walked back to the workshop...i thought, ...Today has been a 'good day'....
Later this afternoon, the 'ice cream' man came past our store. I asked him to wait, as I ran inside to see if the ladies would like ice cream. The rule is.."no eating in the shop" and as all the ladies are disabled, you're never sure if they can be bothered with the effort to walk down the stairs, or shuffle outside for an ice cream?
But due to the extensive heat wave we're enduring at the moment, it seemed like a stupid question....."of course we want ice cream" !!!!!
So for the outrageous price of a buck fifty, I shouted everyone, not one, but two ice creams ......
simple pleasures.....
Yesterday, as I was spending my time outside the shop, I noticed a of the young boys from the shelter, was going past in a wheelchair. It took a moment to register, because these guys, never see the outside of the walls of the shelter.
Then I noticed another one , and another. You know when you see someone out of context, it takes a minute to work out, what or where....
Anyway, it turns out, a lovely young group of kids, under the guidance of an outreach program from New Castle Australia, were tripping though Vietnam, and part of their mission, was to bring joy to people less fortunate.
One by one the young people wheeled these guys into the coffee shop opposite out store. "of all the gin joints in all the world...."... Sorry, I digress....
Of all the coffee shops in Hoi An, they pulled into our one. NEP
So I headed over to join them... I gave everyone 'hi fives, and hugs'...and spent the next half hour talking to the young kids and leaders, and assuring them that their efforts had "made their day".... The residents of Hoi An homeless shelter, enjoyed ice creams, cakes, cokes, and other drinks...treats I'm sure, they haven't had in a very long time..the young kids were so good with them, sharing their sunnies around, doing the peace symbols, and posing for pics together with the residents, everyone laughing together, and treating them like old friends.
I got such a buzz from seeing them out and enjoying themselves. Even as the ice cream spread from one side of their gorgeous faces to the other...
I wonder how long its been since some of them have been for a stroll down the street, and taken out for morning tea.....
I bet they'll all sleep well tonight....
With many other Aussies who made their way to the one bar in town that has 4 large screen TVs and plenty of cold beer @ 3 Dragons restaurant and bar
And tonight heading to the beach with friends....
Both me and Andrew sitting on the back of LANs motorbike cruising along in the cooling night air....yep, that's 3 of us on one bike.....Viet style !!!!
Nice after a long HOT day at the shop.......PRECIOUS..
Thanks you xx
Hugs all mumma bear